TLT Editorial Team Attended the OCLC Industry Symposium

M J Abdin, Kuala Lumpur, 26 August 2018

Now, more than ever, libraries around the world are able to collaborate across national borders while simultaneously satisfying regional and local requirements. At the Symposium, speakers presented about original research that explores the shared challenges, opportunities, and trends in this area. Discusses how technologies and resources like WorldCat can power collaboration across regional and global ecosystems, generating greater network efficiencies and providing a more complete view of the world’s collected knowledge. The presenter of this multiple sessions also shared some case studies and examples of OCLC’s latest innovations.

A three-member delegation from TLT editorial board led by the Editor-in-Chief, Prodip Kumar Roy attended the OCLC Industry Symposium on Saturday, 25 August, 13.45 – 15.45 local time, in Conference Hall 3 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC), Malaysia. The symposium was organised as part of the OCLC’s contribution to IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2018.

Speakers of the session include Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, Membership and Research, Chief Strategist, OCLC, Eric van Lubeek, Vice President, Managing Director, OCLC EMEA and APAC, Axel Kaschte, Product Strategy Director, OCLC EMEA.

At end of the symposium, TLT board met with Axel Kaschte, Product Strategy Director, OCLC EMEA and discuss the potentiality of organising international events and showcasing on different products and services of OCLC with the collaboration of TLT, LIS education institutions and Bangladeshi Library professionals’ body. He suggested preparing and submitting a proposal about potential events and possible collaboration between OCLC and TLT.

Later on, TLT editorial team visited Stand B127 during exhibit hours on opening day of the exhibitions to meet with OCLC officials and learn what’s new with OCLC services and initiatives.

Besides TLT team, a number of Bangladeshi delegates including Professor Dr Nasiruddin Mitul, Mohammad Shakaought Hossain Bhuiyan, Bepin Behary Karmakar was among others participated in the session.


Joynal, KUALA LUMPUR, 25 August 2018

Congress delegates attended the opening ceremony of the IFLA WLIC 2018 together on Saturday, 25 August 2018. The main theme of the official Opening Ceremony will reflect the main Congress theme: Transform Libraries, Transform Societies.


  • Welcome Remarks was given by Dato’ Nafisah Ahmad, Malaysia National Committee, Director General National Library of Malaysia & President Librarian Association of Malaysia

The library world global spotlight will shine on Malaysia in August this year when Kuala Lumpur hosts the 84th World Library and Information Congress. The Congress organized by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Librarians Association of Malaysia, and the National Library of Malaysia, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia, and the Malaysian Convention & Exhibition Bureau, will be held from 24-30 August 2018 at the Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

This annual IFLA brand flagship professional event is the world’s most significant and identifiable gathering and the most exciting event of library and informational professionals. It is the first time in the history of IFLA that the Congress is being held in Malaysia. In 2016 it was hosted by USA, in 2017 by Poland and it will be held in Greece in 2019.

The Congress will provide an unparalleled opportunity, in a multi-racial and multi-cultural environment to the professional development of its participants. The global aspect of the Congress program also provides excellent networking opportunities for those who attend.

More than 3,000 participants from 102 countries have so far registered for the Conference. Two hundred and forty-nine sessions with over 600 paper presentations will allow participants to discuss, debate and exchange ideas on professional issues related to every aspect of the library profession. Leading edge initiatives will be presented and experts in all areas of library and information science will be present.

In line with the theme of the Congress “Transform Libraries, Transform Societies”, there will be, among other topics, presentations that address the role of libraries in delivering the UN 2030 Agenda, Designing inclusive and sustainable libraries, the use of video games to develop wining strategies for libraries, the use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented reality, and digital scholarship services.

There will be 121 poster presentations from all over the world on diverse topics such as The whole school reading for half an hour (China), Role of NGOs in library development (Bangladesh), and Makerspace at the library (Sweden).

A trade exhibition will be held during the Congress where more than 60 commercial and non-commercial organizations from all over the world will showcase their products and services.

Library visits to 33 Malaysian libraries will be arranged to allow participants to visit the National Library of Malaysia, academic libraries, special libraries, public and school libraries in the public, private and voluntary sector in Malaysia. These visits will allow participants to see the application and adaptation of innovative ideas to the services in these local libraries.

Registration details, the Congress program and other events is available at

Library and Information Science orientation held at National University

Mukta, Dhaka, 19 August 2018

“In this age of information explosion, the importance of the library and information science is immense. In this regard, the degree holders will be the real artisan to build the future of Digital Bangladesh. This educational program should be undertaken to build a digital Bangladesh with the mindset of the country. This special course will contribute to the needs of a large number of information scientists in the country” said, Professor Dr Nasiruddin Mitul (Dean and Program Coordinator of the Department of Higher Education) in the Library and Information Science orientation program held in National University (NU) on 12 August 2018.

The program was organised for NU post-graduate diploma in library and information science students last Sunday at 11 am at Senate Hall of NU. At the beginning of the ceremony, one-minute silence is observed for the forgiveness of the departed soul of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the occasion of the month of mourning.

Students coming from the remote areas of the country are enrolled in the one-year professional course with a hope of building themselves as skilled people for developing the country. Dean of Curriculum of National University spoke among others at the ceremony. Mohammad Bin Kashem, Registrar; Mollah Mahfuz Al-Hossain, College Inspector; Dr Md. Moniruzzaman Shaheen and President of Social Science Group, Awlad Hossain also delivered their speech on the program. A large number of teachers, officers and employees were present at the event.

It is to be noted that in the 2016-2017 session, the postgraduate diploma in library and information science program was started with the semester system with 100 students at the National University Gazipur campus. Later, considering the demand of the wider, the number of seats was increased to 120.

All information related to the admission can be found at the National University website

National Mourning Day observes by Directorate of Public Libraries and Directorate of Film Publications

Ahasan, Dhaka, 19 August 2018

The National Mourning Day observed amid paying homage to the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at  Shawkat Osman Memorial  Auditorium, Shahbag, Dhaka.

The programme was organised jointly by Directorate of Public Libraries and Directorate of Film Publications.

Documentary films on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his life and activities were screened. The programme was inaugurated by H.E. Hasanul Haq Innu, Minister, Ministry of Information, and Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Secretary, Ministry of Information, Director General, Directorate of Public Libraries and other high officials and staff members from both the organisations were present at the event.

Shamima Yesmin has been promoted to Assistant Professor at Noakhali Science and Technology University

Rajesh, Dhaka, 19 August 2018

Ms Shamima Yesmin is receiving the promotion letter from Prof. Dr M Ahiduzzaman, Vice-Chancellor, Noakhali Science and Technology University

Ms Shamima Yesmin has been promoted to Assistant Professor at the Institute of Information Sciences, Noakhali Science and Technology University. Prior to joining to this university as a Lecturer, she worked for East West University. Ms Shamima earned her Bachelor and Master degree in Information Science and Library Management from the University of Dhaka and secured 1st position in her both examinations. She was also awarded Deans’ Award by Faculty of Arts, the University of Dhaka for her outstanding result. She has been invited to speak in international conference overseas and has published a good number of articles in top internationally-refereed journals and conference proceedings.

TLT Congratulates Ms Shamima on receiving her deserved the promotion.

Prize money and Certificate Award Session for designing of Public Library and National Museum held at Dhaka

Ahasan, Dhaka, 19 August 2018

For designing Directorate of Public Library and National Museum multi-storeyed building, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs organised a prize money and Certificate Award Session on 30 July 2018 at Nalini Kanto Bhattacharjo Gallery, National Museum, Shahbag, Dhaka. The Chief Guest of the Ceremony was H.E. Asaduzzaman Noor, MP honourable Minister, and Ministry of Cultural Affairs while Mr Md. Nasiruddin Ahmed, Secretary, Ministry of Cultural Affairs chaired the session. An inaugural speech was given by Mr Asish Kumar Sarkar, Director General (Additional Secretary) Directorate of Public Libraries. The programme was ended followed by cultural functions.

Once a well-designed multi-storeyed building is built under the project, the public library will be shifted to it, adding that another multi-storeyed building will also be constructed for the National Museum.

Cubeinside Design Ltd. in association with Dcon Design Studio won the first prize (As per their Facebook pages) on national design competition of coordinated complex of Department of Public Libraries (DPL) and Bangladesh National Museum.

Placemaking is a quiet movement that re-imagines public spaces as the heart of every community, in every city. It is a transformative approach that inspires people to create and improve their public places. By creating an integrated platform, this is how we collectively shape our public realm to maximize shared value. More than just creating the better urban design of public spaces, placemaking facilitates creative patterns of activities and connections in terms of cultural, social and ecological that defines a place and supports its ongoing evolution. It is how people are more collectively and intentionally shaping our city and our future on the country.

The main goal of the design is to create a place that has both a strong sense of community and a comfortable image for all aged people, as well as a setting, activities and uses that collectively add up to something more than the sum of its often simple parts by celebrating the institution of life by democratic participation of the entire city.

Training on Integrated Library Management Software Koha held at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMR AU)

Ahasan, Dhaka, 19 August 2018

A series of training programme on Integrated Library Management Software Koha held at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMR AU) recently. Dr Md. Anwarul Islam, Librarian, Sher-E Bangla Agriculture University, Mr Mubassir Ahsan, Assistant Librarian, Southeast University and Mr  Mafiq Islam Jibon, Student-MSS, Information Science and Library Management (ISLM), University of Rajshahi conducted the training session as resource persons. Dean, Agriculture Economics, BSMR AU and Director, Research BSMR AU are also seen in the event.

Eleven library staff members lead by Mr Atiq Zaman, Deputy Librarian, BSMR AU participated in this hands-on training session.

TLT Webinar: Open access, Open research data, Open citations: how library professionals contribute, Presented by: Dr Jakaria Rahman

Open Access plays a significant role in allowing us for the advancement of learning, knowledge and research worldwide.  This webinar will focus on two major concepts i.e. what exactly is open research data, and open citations.


To create awareness about Open research data and Open citations.


How can we arrange and use open data for our researchers: availability and access, re-use and redistribution, universal participation, interoperability? How can we bypass the commercial databases to retrieve and analyses open citation for bibliometric analysis?


This webinar will support the library professionals, researchers and students to use Open research data and Open citations for their respective perspective.

The language of the webinar: Bengali

Date: The date will be announced later.

this webinar

Meeting ID: 542 470 6366

International numbers available:

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About the Presenter:

Dr Jakaria Rahman is engaged as a Bibliometric Analyst at the Department of communication and learning in science of the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.  His works consist of analyzing publications impact and research collaborations to suggest development strategies, publication strategies and policies with the university management and departments and contribute to the university ranking analytics. He is also involved in several research projects.

He obtained bachelor, master, and MPhil degree in information science and library management from the University of Dhaka. He received Dutch Bangla Bank fellowship to pursue MPhil program. He attended 3-months international training on scientific and technological information management in universities and libraries with Belgian government’s VLIR-UOS scholarship. He was granted European Unions’ Erasmus Mundus scholarship that he ended successfully after 2-years of MSc studies in Digital Library in collaboration with three universities in Norway, Estonia, and Italy. Later, he briefly worked for Opera software in Norway. Further, he worked as a researcher at the University of Antwerp and was conferred with PhD degree from there. During his MSc and PhD studies, he has collaborated extensively with colleagues throughout Europe and spent time at several European universities and presented his research findings in different international conferences. He spent his early career years at the IJSG, BANSDOC, EWU, and ICDDR, B.

He has published a good number of research articles in Web of Science and Scopus indexed journals. All his publications are open access and available through ResearchGate (see at and E-LIS repository (see at His ORCID ID is 0000-0001-7876-4631.

He is a member of ASIS&T and a life member of BALID and LAB.

TLT Webinar: Higher study abroad for ISLM graduates: challenges and opportunities, Presented by: Dr Jakaria Rahman

Are you an ISLM graduate and want to study abroad and learn differently with greater knowledge of different cultures?

If yes, then this webinar will help you to find the path that is right for you.


To inform the overall procedures to get admission abroad both at master and PhD levels.


When and how to start the preparation; Which myths are not true, where to search for opportunities, which countries to target, scholarship opportunities, how to prepare required documents, for example, motivation letter, reference letter, language skills, academic documents? How to write to a professor for PhD admission? What is the hot topic? What should the research proposal contain?


This webinar will aid the ISLM graduates to take preparation for study abroad.

The language of the webinar: Bengali

Date: Friday 19 October 2018 Time: 5:00 PM (Bangladesh Standard Time)

To Join this webinar

Meeting ID: 542 470 6366

International numbers available:

Register to Attend  


About the Presenter:

Dr Jakaria Rahman is engaged as a Bibliometric Analyst at the Department of communication and learning in science at the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. His works consist of analyzing publications impact and research collaborations to suggest development strategies, publication strategies and policies with the university management and departments and contribute to the university ranking analytics. He is also involved in several research projects.

He obtained bachelor, master, and MPhil degree in information science and library management from the University of Dhaka. He received Dutch Bangla Bank fellowship to pursue MPhil program. He attended 3-months international training on scientific and technological information management in universities and libraries with Belgian government’s VLIR-UOS scholarship. He was granted European Unions’ Erasmus Mundus scholarship that he ended successfully after 2-years of MSc studies in Digital Library in collaboration with three universities in Norway, Estonia, and Italy. Later, he briefly worked for Opera software in Norway. Further, he worked as a researcher at the University of Antwerp and was conferred with PhD degree from there. During his MSc and PhD studies, he has collaborated extensively with colleagues throughout Europe and spent time at several European universities and presented his research findings in different international conferences. He spent his early career years at the IJSG, BANSDOC, EWU, and ICDDR, B.

He has published a good number of research articles in Web of Science and Scopus indexed journals. All his publications are open access and available through ResearchGate (see at and E-LIS repository (see at His ORCID ID is 0000-0001-7876-4631.

He is a member of ASIS&T and a life member of BALID and LAB.

Register to Attend

TLT Webinar: Bibliometric Analyst as a profession for ISLM graduates

The Librarian Times is inviting you to a number of scheduled Zoom webinars: Presented by: Dr Jakaria Rahman 

Bibliometric Analyst as a profession for ISLM graduates

Nowadays, Universities and research organizations are using bibliometric methods in a novel way. This webinar will focus on how bibliometrics is utilized to identify quantitative indicators for academic productivity and quality.


To inform the significance of bibliometrics being incorporated as a part of librarianship tasks and required competencies.


The nature of bibliometric activities, motivations and consequences, opportunities, benefits, risks, training facilities and research activities.


This webinar will benefit the ISLM graduates to know how they can come forward as a bibliometric analyst.

The language of the webinar: Bengali

Date: Friday 28 September 2018

Time: 5 PM (Bangladesh Standard Time)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap:

US: +14086380986,, 5424706366#  or +16465588665,,5424706366#

Or Telephone:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 408 638 0986 or +1 646 558 8665

Meeting ID: 542 470 6366

International numbers available:

About the Presenter

Dr Jakaria Rahman is engaged as a Bibliometric Analyst at the Department of communication and learning in science of the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.  His works consist of analyzing publications impact and research collaborations to suggest development strategies, publication strategies and policies with the university management and departments and contribute to the university ranking analytics. He is also involved in several research projects.

He obtained bachelor, master, and MPhil degree in information science and library management from the University of Dhaka. He received Dutch Bangla Bank fellowship to pursue MPhil program. He attended 3-months international training on scientific and technological information management in universities and libraries with Belgian government’s VLIR-UOS scholarship. He was granted European Unions’ Erasmus Mundus scholarship that he ended successfully after 2-years of MSc studies in Digital Library in collaboration with three universities in Norway, Estonia, and Italy. Later, he briefly worked for Opera software in Norway. Further, he worked as a researcher at the University of Antwerp and was conferred with PhD degree from there. During his MSc and PhD studies, he has collaborated extensively with colleagues throughout Europe and spent time at several European universities and presented his research findings in different international conferences. He spent his early career years at the IJSG, BANSDOC, EWU, and ICDDR, B.

He has published a good number of research articles in Web of Science and Scopus indexed journals. All his publications are open access and available through ResearchGate (see at and E-LIS repository (see at His ORCID ID is 0000-0001-7876-4631.

He is a member of ASIS&T and a life member of BALID and LAB.

Register to Attend 


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