The Library and Information Science (LIS) legend ADM Ali Ahammad is no more!

ADM Ali Ahammed, Photo: Apu

Syeda Mukta Begum

March 10, 2019

The Library and Information Science (LIS) legend Mr ADM Ali Ahammad, Vice president of Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB); Project Component Lead, British Council Unlimited Project is no more. He died on Sunday, March 3, 2019, at Square Hospital, Dhaka. He had a stroke while taking a training class at the British Council. Since then, he was undergoing treatment at Life Support at Square Hospital. The first namaz-e-janaza of AML Ali Ahammad was held on Tuesday at the Public Library, Dhaka. The 2nd namaz-e-janaza was held in Mymensingh and 3rd namaz-e-janaza was held at his village, Gafargaon. He left his one son and one daughter and wife Anjuman Ara Zakia in his family.

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Library in the age of Internet- Celebration of National Library Day 2019 at CIRDAP

Md. Rezwanul Haque (Himel), 9 February 2019

CIRDAP Library, CIRDAP, Email:   [email protected]

To celebrate “The National Library Day 2019”, CIRDAP (The Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific) organized a National Seminar highlighting “The importance of library in the age of internet” in collaboration with the BALID on Saturday, 23 February 2019 at the CIRDAP International Conference Centre (CICC) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The seminar was chaired by the Mr Tevita G. Boseiwaqa Taginavulau, DG, CIRDAP. Architect Yafes Osman, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Science & Technology, the Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was the Chief Guest. Dr Omar Jah, VC, Islamic University of Technology (IUT) and Mr Abdullah Al Hasan Chowdhury, Add. Secretary, Secondary & Higher Education Division, Education Ministry, the Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh were as special guests.Dr. Mirza Mohd Rezaul Islam, Chairman, BALID was as program coordinator.

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Agriculture is the key driving force of its emerging economy-Dr Wais Kabir, Chair, Asia Open Access, Dhaka -2019

Agriculture is the key driving force of its emerging economy-Dr Wais Kabir, Chair, Asia Open Access, Dhaka -2019

Open Access Dhaka 2019, Inaugural Ceremony: March 6, 2019

Inaugural Speech by the Program Chair, Dr Wais Kabir

Dr Wais Kabir

Distinguished delegates from home & abroad,

Academicians, Professors from different universities, representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, NARS and other organizations, Print and electronic media personnel as well as other distinguished participants Ladies and gentlemen,

Very Good afternoon

I feel happy to be a part of this first time gathering here in Bangladesh Asia Open Access 2019 Dhaka.


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Asia Open Access (OA) event will provide an opportunity to learn about global trends, share information across Asian countries-Dr Md. Kabir Ikramul Haque, in his Inaugural Message

Inaugural Message by Executive Chairman, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council

Open Access Dhaka 2019, Inaugural Ceremony: March 6, 2019

Venue: BARC Conference Room-1

Dr Md. Kabir Ikramul Haque Executive Chairman of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council

Hon’ble Chief Guest Mr Zunaid Ahmed Palak, Hon’ble Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology Division, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Respected Special Guest, Mr Kamalaranjan Das, Additional Secretary (Research), Ministry of Agriculture, Respected Guest of Honor, Dr Wais Kabir, Executive Director, KGF, Ms Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director of Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), Distinguished delegates academicians, professors from different universities, representatives from Ministry of Agriculture, Member Directors, Directors of BARC, representatives from NARS, DAE, BADC and other organizations, print and electronic media personnel as well as other distinguished participants.

Ladies and gentlemen, Assalaumualaukum and very good morning

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Bangladesh is going ahead based on four pillars – Zunaid Ahmed Palak

Ahasan, Dhaka, 10 February 2019

Zunaid Ahmed Palak, Hon’ble Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology Division, Bangladesh said “present government has taken several initiatives for making a Digital Bangladesh. The Government electronic portal is open for all and we are the owner of the largest web portal in the world. To create potential human resource government has set up more than nine thousand primary Sheikh Russell Digital Lab and Digital Classroom throughout the country. As a result, students are learning Information Technology from their beginning of education.”

Zunaid Ahmed Palak, Hon’ble Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology Division

Zunaid Ahmed Palak, was present as the Chief Guest of inaugural session of two days long Asia Open Access, Dhaka-2019 started from 6 March, at conference room Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) which was organized by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) international conference with the support of Centre for Open Knowledge Repositories (COAR) and Asia open Access. The State minister also mentioned four pillars for development. The government has to work for big data, open data, robotics, internet of thinking, blockchain. People now avail of different services from different government offices through automation. At present internet users of our country is nine and a half crore whereas nine years back it was only 55 lac.  In the IT sector 10 lac, people are working. The government also working Union Parishad level also. However, in the response of Ms Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director, COAR regarding traffic issue minister said our young force converted it as a potentiality. Based on it, they launched it several rides sharing. He told the organizer, meet with me again with the workshop output.

Dr M. Baktear, Director, AIC, given the welcome address, Mr Kamalaranjan Das, additional Secretary MoA and Dr Wais Kabir, ED KGF were present as special guests of honour as well.

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Let’s make our minds Open: An exclusive Interview with Dr Susmita Das

The Asia Open Access Conference was held in Dhaka on March 6-7. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) organized the conference titled ‘Asia Open Access Dhaka 2019’ in collaboration with Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR). The event was coordinated by Dr Susmita Das, Principal Documentation Officer, & Vice President, Centre for Open Knowledge.

This type of event planning is a high-pressure job that requires a level head and the ability to stay client-centric during stressful situations. She has managed all the logistics and planning involved in pulling off the event. Doing this job is not easy. It requires creativity and imagination, hard work, brainstorm ideas for unique celebrations, be able to identify, understand, and meet what you want?

The Librarian Times’s Editor-in-Chief, Prodip Roy conducted the interview with Dr Das to ask some questions on the conference to get insights about the challenges and related issues involved for a successful event.

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BRAC University Library team visits North South University

Tanveer Ahasan, North South University, 28 February 2019.

A high official team of BRAC University Library led by Mrs Hasina Afroz, University Librarian visited North South University Central Library on February 27, 2019. The purpose of the visit was to see the NSU Library entire facilities, library setup, space allocation, architectural design, resources, access to information, research support, library space, and the effect of services. They visited the various sections of the NSU library.

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Essay and Good Hand Writing competition held throughout the country

Ahasan, Dhaka, 22 February 2019.

District Public Library of Joypurhat, Bangladesh

To celebrate the historic language Movement, marking ‘Amar Ekushey’, the Language Martyrs’ Day and International Mother Language Day department of public libraries, Ministry of Cultural Affairs organized an essay and good handwriting competition throughout the country.

District Public Library of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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National Library Day 2019 and the best library user award celebration at Southeast University

Amrita Dash, Southeast University Library


Southeast University Library organized a discussion session on “National Library Day 2019 & Best Library User Award Ceremony” on 7th February 2019 at the Hall Room of Southeast University (SEU) Banani Campus. Professor Dr ANM Meshquat Uddin, Vice Chancellor of SEU chaired the program, while Professor Dr M Nasiruddin Munshi, Department of Information Science & Library Management (ISLM), University of Dhaka (DU) was present as the Chief Guest and Professor Dr Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, Chairman of ISLM, DU was present as the Special Guest. Mr M. Kamaluddin Chowdhury, Hon’ble Representative of the Board of Trustees, Southeast University was also present at the event to inspire the audiences.

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Book Display program held at Principal Abdur Rashid Public Library at Setabganj, Dinajpur

Ahasan, Dhaka, 28 February 2019

To celebrate the Language Martyr’s day and The International Mother Language Day, two day’s long Book display program held at Principal Abdur Rashid Public Library Setabganj, Dinajpur. Honourable State Minister for Shipping Ministry Mr Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury’s mother Romiza Rouf Chowdhury, Mr Bishonath Bhattachariya, Head Master, Setabganj Government High School, Mr Aminul Islam, Headmaster, Setabganj Girls High School and a good number of students of different schools and colleges were present during the book display program. Bochaganj Upazilla administration patronizing this event. This sorts of awareness program based on a special day were highly appreciated for the present generation’s students.


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