Martyred Intellectuals Memorial Library celebrates its 30th anniversary

Rajesh, NSTU, 27 April 2019

Martyred Intellectuals Memorial Library celebrated its 30th anniversary from 26 April Friday to 27 April 2019. Serajul Islam Choudhury, professor emeritus at the Dhaka University was present at the inauguration and award ceremony.

Prof Abul Kashem Fazlul Haque attended a cultural programme and film exhibition on the second day of the celebration.

TLT Panel Discussion: Bridging the Divide: Ascertaining the Place of Bangladeshi LIS Researchers and Practitioners in Global

After the Award function, there was a panel discussion with eminent library professionals, and academics comprised Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, PhD, Chairman, Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka; Md. Anwarul Islam, PhD Librarian, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University and Secretary-General of Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB); Professor Dr Md. Nasiruddin Mitul, Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies, National University, Bangladesh; Dr Dilara Begum, Chairperson & Associate Professor, Department of Information Studies and Library Management, & Librarian (In-charge), East West University; Professor Dr Md. Nasiruddin Munshi, Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka and Dr Md. Nazim Uddin Senior Manager and Head, icddr,b Library and Sasanka Kumar Singha, Joint Director, Bangladesh Bank.

Dr Md Anwarul Islam, Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka moderated the programme.

The discussion was framed by a series of questions put to the panellists.

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Prof Abdullah Abu Sayeed honoured TLT Lifetime Award 2019!

ফুলের অনেক বৈচিত্র বা রঙের জৌলুশ আছে এগুলো তার সাফল্য কিন্ত যে গন্ধ দিয়ে সে আমাদের মন ভোলায়, তা হলো তার সার্থকতা

Abdullah abu sayeed(আব্দুল্লাহ আবু সায়ীদ)


Prof Abdullah Abu Sayeed, Founding President of Bishwa Shahitya Kendro has been chosen for the TLT lifetime award for his significant contribution to the society in Bangladesh. His foundation “Biswa Sahitya Kendra” a privately organised centre for promoting reading habits among students and the general public, movement to promote enlightenment and progressive ideas among people.

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TLT Excellence Academic Librarian Award 2019 (Academic Librarian of the Year) Dil Ruksana Basunia, Chittagong University


The award selection committee has nominated Dil Ruksana Basunia for TLT Excellence Academic Librarian Award 2019 for her contribution to the Arena of Academic Library. She is currently working as Deputy Librarian in the Central Library of the University of Chittagong and fairly very young for the position among others. She has prepared a project on ‘Central Library Automation Project’ and established a cyber centre under this project in the first phase. She organizes training and workshops for the staff and students as part of professional development and enhances user engagement in the library.  

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TLT Excellence Medical Librarian Award 2019 Md. Shafiur Rahman, iccdr,b

The award selection committee has selected Md. Shafiur Rahman for excellence in his contribution to the arena of medical Library.  He is working as a Senior Library Officer at the Library and Information Services Section of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B). He emphasizes strengthening knowledge and expertise on to manage and organize the digital library, handle the specialized tasks of massive digitization, storage and access of E-resources, digital knowledge mining, digital reference services, electronic information services, digital data curation, and manage the archive and its access.

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TLT Young Excellence Innovation Award 2019 (Young librarian of the year) Md. Mubassir Ahasan, Southeast University

The award selection committee has chosen Md. Mubassir Ahasan for recognizing his accomplishment of an exceptionally high standard of expertise as a young library professional. He is working as a library in-charge at the Southeast University Library, and took initiatives to upgrade the systems and services, for example, online registration, Self-renew, Live Chat with users, and so forth. He has arranged the Library day program and awarded to the best library users both in faculty category and student category that may be encouraged the library professionals to enhance the user engagement.

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TLT Young Student Award 2019 (Student of the Year) Md. Atikuzzaman

The Department of Information Science and Library Management of the University of Dhaka has nominated Md. Atikuzzaman for the TLT Young student award 2019. Mr Atikuzzaman has completed a Bachelor of Arts (honors) from the same department in this year by obtaining the highest CGPA (3.9 on a scale of 4.0. He has maintained outstanding result in all the semester during the program. In addition, he is an active participant in different co-curricular activities organized by the department, residential hall, and the University.

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Dr Mirza Mohd. Rezaul Islam honoured with TLT Posthumous Award!

The award marks Dr Mirza Mohd. Rezaul Islam for his indelible contribution to the library profession in Bangladesh.

Dr Reza was born on 18 August 1959 at  New Town in Netrokona district. He was the fourth son of Mirza Mohd Abdul Hannan and Ms Rahatun Nesa. His two sons; Mirza Mohd Asif Sakib and Mirza Mohd Tehzib Sadaf are studying Independent University of Bangladesh and Ahsanullha University of Engineering and Technology respectively.

He obtained  PhD in Library and Information Science from Jadavpur University, India in 1998. Prior to this, he completed a master degree in Library science from the University of Dhaka in 1984.

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A.D.M. Ali Ahammed honoured with TLT Posthumous Award!

The award marks A.D.M. Ali Ahammed for serving, leading and his legendary contribution to the library profession in Bangladesh.

He was born on 1 October 1961 in Longir village of  Gafargaon Thana of Mymensingh. After completing primary education at the village primary school, he passed secondary school from he Kandi Para Asker Ali Bahumukhi High School in 1976 and higher secondary school from Kabi Nazrul Government College (Dhaka) in 1978.  He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in 1980 from Government Shahid Sahrawardy College (Dhaka). Later, he completed his master of Arts in Library and information science 1980 from the University of Dhaka. He also received a Bachelor of Laws degree from Dr Alim Al Raji law College in 1986. His career started as an Assistant Librarian in Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) in 1984. In 1991, he joined as Librarian at Mymensingh Govt. Library under the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. In all his Service life he served the Govt. diligently in many stations. In 2017, when working as Librarian (Admin & Accounts), Department of Public Libraries, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Dhaka,  Bangladesh, he joined to British Council (Bangladesh) on lien as Component Lead-Model Library, Libraries unlimited.

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