The Librarian Times celebrates National Library Day 2020

In collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Department of Public Libraries, the Librarian Times celebrated the National Library Day 2020. The event, ‘Porbo Boi Gorbo Desh, Bangabandhur Bangladesh’, consisted of a rally, discussion session and cultural programme.

The National Library Day was first recognised by the government on February 5, 2018, to raise public awareness about libraries.


Md. Ahasan Habib participates the fifty years celebration of OIC in Jeddah, KSA

Md. Ahasan Habib participates the fifty years celebration of OIC in Jeddah, KSA

The Islamic body OIC organised a ceremony on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) from 25-28 November 2019.

Mr Md. Ahasan Habib, Assistant Librarian, Islamic University of Technology (IUT) participated in the programme as of the delegate members. Mr Ahasan Habib met with His Excellency Yousef Bin Ahmad Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Othaimeen, Secretary-General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) at Leylaty Hall, Jeddah. During this tour, he visited Central Library of the OIC Headquarter and discussed with Mr Mohamed Khalil Atta, Library and Information Science Specialist, regarding the library system and services and its collection. The high officials of the OIC headquarters greeted him as well.  

Mr Ahasan is the first-ever library professional who got this opportunity on behalf of IUT.

The National Library Day 2020: Libraries and the UN 2030 Agenda, Bangladesh needs a sketch targets for libraries 2020-2030

Prodip Roy AALIA (DCP) Library Officer, (Digital Collections)

RMIT University Library & Editor in Chief, TLT

Today, Bangladesh is celebrating the national library day 2020. What is the next step in libraries’ commitment to being an active force in the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the country? It’s a time to consider sketching targets for libraries 2020-2030 for sustainable development goals.

The United Nations (UN) held a meeting in New York at the end of September 2019 for the adoption of the 2030 Agenda with a total of 169 Targets spanning economic, environmental and social development. They outlined a plan for all countries to actively work to make the world better for the people, without anyone left behind.

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A country based book reading activity by Bishwo Shahitto Kendro and Bkash

Syeda Mukta Begum

January 31, 2020

Bishwo Shahitto Kendro founder and chief executive Professor Abdullah Abu Sayeed distributes books among the students of Motijheel Government Girls’ High School on Tuesday. — Press release

Bishwo Shahitto Kendro and Bkash jointly organized a book distribution ceremony on 28 January 2020 to promote and encourage students the love of reading in the Motijeel Government Girl’s High School, with the theme of Alokito Manush Bikoshito Bangladesh.

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The Department of Archives and Library achieves the first position in implementing the Annual Performance Contract

Ahasan, Dhaka

The Department of Archives and Library has achieved the first position in the Ministry of Cultural Affairs in implementing the Annual Performance Contract for the financial year 2018-19. For the mentioned financial year, they have secured the first position among the 17 divisions and organs under the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. 

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Global Innovation Awards 2019: A success story of Ms Hasina Afroz

As the university librarian at BRAC University in Bangladesh, Ms Hasina Afroz strives to imbue students with the principles of good academic practise from the beginning of their university career.

“We are encouraging our students to practice original writing from the first year, working together with the faculty members to build a culture of academic integrity.”

Read this innovator story 

Tahur Ahmed completes all of Research4Life programs as the first library professional in Bangladesh

Apu, Dhaka

Tahur Ahmed

Tahur Ahmed

Mr. Tahur Ahmed, Assistant Librarian, East West University has successfully completed the “Research4Life Massive Open Online Course” (HINARI, AGORA, OARE, ARDI and GOALI) from 11 November 2019 to 15 December 2019 and got Certificate of Achievement. The program was funded by the Elsevier Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN). The course was developed for librarians, information professionals, IT specialists, researchers, academics, lecturers, educators, students and professionals, such as doctors, policymakers, lawyers, social workers and statisticians.

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Promotion news: Ayub Ali, Shamsun Nahar Toran and Muhammad Burhun Uddin have been promoted at BB Library

Apu, Dhaka

Md. Ayub Ali has been promoted to Deputy General Manager from Joint Director, Ms Shamsun Nahar Toran has been promoted to Joint Director from Deputy Director and Muhammad Burhun Uddin has been promoted to Deputy Director from Assistant Director at Bangladesh Bank Library.

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