Training on Library Automation and Management Software (KOHA-ILS) and MARC 21 at DIU

Mukta, Dhaka, 1 September 2018

Daffodil International University (DIU) library is going to organize training on “KOHA-ILS & MARC 21” 16th Phase from 7-10 September 2018 for the LIS professionals at its Shukrabad campus. The session will be about KOHA installation, customization, KOHA cataloguing, MARC 21.

KOHA is an open source integrated library system (ILS) which is a very popular system for the Bangladeshi LIS professsionals nowadays. Habibe Kibraia Chowdhury is the training coordinator of this program. DIU library started KOHA training from 2012 and finished their 15th phase training session successfully. There is also a scholarship opportunity for the Information Science and Library Management students studying at the University of Dhaka.

For more information see the flyer.

Calling for Expressions of Interest for TLT Award and Fun Night 2019 Organising Committee

TLT is seeking up to some enthusiastic volunteers from Dhaka to join the TLT Award and Fun Night 2019 Organising Committee. If you’ve always wanted to organise events, a hands-on, technology-focused learning experience for people who work in libraries then this is the opportunity for you!

About TLT Award and Fun Night 2019

The Librarian Times (TLT) is the first ever and only and professional news bulletin in Bangladesh for the library and information profession. The board is going to host a social and professional gathering called ‘TLT Awards and Fun Night’ to celebrate the 2nd year birth anniversary of TLT. In this event, TLT is going to announce a number of awards to encourage library professionals and current library and information science (LIS) students to recognize their enthusiasm, dedication and excellence to the library profession and the accomplishments of exceptional services at school, college, university and public libraries. This is TLT initiative’s that aims to fill the gaps of lack of professional recognition in Bangladesh. The event aims to be the ‘meeting point of the LIS professionals of Bangladesh’ where everyone has the opportunity to get to know the award winners, encourage and cheers them, and a bit of networking and socializing with other professionals’ from different organizations. The border aim is to reflect a positive approach towards the library profession of Bangladesh.

What you will be expected to do:

TLT Award and Fun Night 2019 Organising Committee is responsible for:

  • Venue selection
  • Preparation of the technology brief and integration of the selected provider
  • Establishment, in good time, of a program
  • Securing of all speakers and guests
  • Funding collection
  • Securing of and liaison with sponsors and event partners
  • Support for speakers, and sponsors, prior to, during and after the event
  • Event branding and marketing
  • Collaboration with LAB, BALID, LIS Institutions for TLT awarding as appropriate
  • Organisation of catering and/or communication about self-catering options
  • Establishing a supportive, positive and inclusive environment at TLT nights, and communicating this before, during and after the event
  • Managing the event budget

Who we are looking for:

We’re looking for people who work well with others and can get things done. We welcome library professionals, who work with technology, and technologists. Most of the Committee’s work will be done via email and, meetings will take place primarily by video conference/ webinar.

You will need to commit to:

  • Contribute a few hours a week to the job – more in the first three months before the event
  • Respond to committee communications, actions and responsibilities in a timely and professional manner
  • Attend 1-hour monthly Committee meetings – primarily by video conference

We’re looking for a diverse range of people, backgrounds and skills: people from typically under-represented backgrounds, sectors or demographics are particularly encouraged to nominate.

How to nominate:

Interested people should email [email protected] with a statement of up to 300 words outlining why you are a good candidate to join the TLT Awards and Fun Night 2019 Organising Committee, and what you hope to gain from the experience.

The Joint meeting with Christine Mackenzie, President-elect IFLA, Executive Committee INELI-Oceania and ALIA Fellow on “Global collaboration” held

Joynal, Kuala Lumpur, 26 August 2018

A joint meeting on “Let’s work together and Global collaboration” with Christine Mackenzie, President-elect IFLA, Executive Committee INELI-Oceania and ALIA Fellow, Bangladesh Library Professionals and The Librarian Times (TLT) was held during 12:30-1:00 pm on August 26, 2018, at IFLA secretariat press room in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia.

The joint meeting of the IFLA, The Librarian Times and Library Professionals Bangladesh addressed a variety of issues, most of which tied back to global collaboration and professional development.

The session started with the welcome speech by Prodip Kumer Roy Editor-in-Chief of The Librarian Times.“Collaboration is fundamental to achieve any long-term professional goal” Mr Roy mentioned in his speech.

After that, each of the participants introduced themselves. Professor Dr Nasiruddin Mitul, Dean, National University, Bangladesh started his speech by providing the present scenario of Library profession of Bangladesh. In his speech, Dr Mitul highlighted the importance of Global collaboration with IFLA for the advancement of Library profession of Bangladesh. He seeks potential help to organise joint professional training, service showcasing and other professional events to foster the professional activities in Bangladesh.

Dr Dilara Begum, Associate Professor and head, Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University Bangladesh spoke briefly on the overall scenario and future prospect of the Library profession and professionals of Bangladesh. She mentioned about her engagement and activities with IFLA and other Global-Regional professional bodies that has given a good impression to the IFLA president about the capacity and professional competency of Library professionals of Bangladesh.

Ms Razina Akther, Head of the Library, Bangladesh Shishu Academy also delivered a short speech emphasizing the inclusion of Bengali Language as the 8th language in IFLA’s official language list since Bengali is the 8th most speaking language in the world. She urges the IFLA president’s support and initiatives regarding the issue.

Christine Mackenzie in her speech praises the presence of a good number of Bangladeshi LIS professionals in the IFLA WLIC 2018. She termed it as a remarkable participation from the Country like Bangladesh. Ms Mackenzie urges the attendees for getting membership of IFLA in individual, institutional and organizational level as it is requisite to get collaboration, training and funding support from the highest LIS professional advocating body in the world. She hailed about the communication skills of the participants and expressed her gratitude towards the future prospect of the Profession of Bangladesh. The President hoped to provide support for the betterment in advancing of LIS profession of Bangladesh from her end. Her unique message to the greater library professionals was Let’s work together”.

She wishes to visit Bangladesh in attending professional events in the near future.

INELI-Oceania and ALIA Fellow, Lyndall Ley Osborne, President, Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), was also scheduled to attend the meeting. Unfortunately, she was unable to join due to an unavoidable circumstances.

The meeting was ended by handing over a crest to Christine Mackenzie, President-Elect, IFLA from TLT editorial board along with the Library professionals of Bangladesh.

A total of 23 library professionals attended the meeting including

Dr Dilara Begum, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Information Studies and Library Management & Librarian (In-charge), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dr Nasiruddin Mitul, Dean, National University and Professor Dept. of Library and Information Science, National University Bangladesh.

Mr A.D.M. Ali Ahammed, Component Lead-Model Libraries, Libraries Unlimited, British Council, Dhaka

Mr Ahmed Shibly, Senior Asstt. Chief, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Mr Bepin Behary Karmakar, Principal Librarian, BIRDEM Library, Dhaka

Mr Dil Ruksana Basunia, University of Chittagong.

Mr Dilip Kumar Saha, Librarian, Divisional Government Public Libraries, Sylhet, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Ms Farida Akter, Librarian, District Government Public Library, Jamalpur, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Ms Feroza Pervin, Librarian, Department of Public Libraries, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Mr Mahammad Abu Sayed, Principal Librarian- cum- Deputy Director, Divisional Government Public Library, Rajshahi, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Mr Md. Rokonuzzaman, Librarian, District Government Public Library, Bogra, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Mr Mohammad Belayet Hossain, Librarian, District Government Public Library, Madaripur, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Mr Mohammad Deluar Hossain, Librarian, District Government Public Library, Tangail, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Mr Mohammad Shakaought Hossain Bhuiyan, Deputy Librarian, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka

Mr Muhammad Hamidur Rahman, Department of Public Libraries, Dhaka, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Mr Nikhil Ranjan BairagiLibrarian, District Government Public Library, Gopalgonj, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Ms Razina Akhtar, Librarian, Bangladesh Shishu Academy, Ministry of Women and Child Affairs

Mr S M Zahirul Islam, Librarian, District Government Public Library, Dhaka, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Ms Shegufta Ahmed, Admin Coordinator, Libraries Unlimited, British Council, Dhaka

Mr Sunil Moy Chakma, Librarian, District Government Public Library, Rangamati, Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Mr Md Ahasan Habib, Library Officer, Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Gazipur and Associated Editor, TLT.

Mr Mohammad Joynal Abdin, Senior Lab Instructor, Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka and Member, TLT Editorial Board.

Prodip Roy AALIA (DCP) Library Officer (Digital Collections) Copyright, Digitisation and Repositories, RMIT University Library, Editor-in-Chief of The Librarian Times.


To commemorate the session, a group photo session was held at end of the programme. All participants were highly pleased to join this new milestone and historic meeting with IFLA president.

Md Ahasan Habib has been Awarded ASIS & T Infoshare Award 2018

Apu, Dhaka, 26 August 2018

Mr Md. Ahasan Habib has received Infoshare award 2018. The Special interest group for international information issues (SIG/III) is an interest group focusing on international information issues will sponsor him ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology) membership.

Mr Ahasan is Library Officer of the Islamic University of Technology (IUT). He is engaged as the   Finance Secretary of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) Executive Council 2018-19.  He is also an Associate Editor of the Librarian Times (TLT).

The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) is the only professional association that bridges the gap between information science practice and research. For nearly 80 years, ASIS&T has been leading the search for new and better theories, techniques, and technologies to improve access to information.

ASIS & T members—thousands of researchers, developers, practitioners, students, and professors in the field of information science and technology from 50 countries around the world—have made ASIS&T an important part of their professional development.

Members share a common interest in improving the ways society stores, retrieves, analyzes, manages, archives and disseminates information.

As deserving award winner of ASIST & T, we believe that Mr Ahasan will work a fantastic way to enlighten for Library Professionals of Bangladesh.

Warm and hearty congratulations to Mr Ahasan Habib on his fantastic achievement. TLT family is feeling proud of him.


IFLA WLIC 2018: Bangladesh High Commission Reception

Thank you for registering for the event Bangladesh High Commission Reception. This event is being held on Monday, 27/08/2018 at 3:30 pm at Bangladeshi High Commission office in Kuala Lumpur. The Bangladesh High Commission office has invited the Congress delegates to attend a reception at the Bangladesh High Commission Malaysia.

Bangladeshi Delegates are requested in joining the meeting on time.

Address: Bangladesh High Commission, No-5, Lot 9 & 10, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra

54100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia.

Dress: Business attire or smart casual

How does a delegate grow knowledge by attending IFLA Congress? : Dil Ruksana Basunia is an Example

Ahasan, Dhaka, 26 August 2018

Dil Ruksana Basunia, Corresponding Member of the Standing Committee, RSCAO, IFLA and Deputy Librarian, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh is attending the 84 IFLA Annual Congress from 23 to 30 August 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is one of the grand winners of IFLA, ARL awards to attend the Congress. During the Congress, she has attended many Special sessions including the Congress Programme, Business Meetings, and Expo Pavilion/Tech Lab Session etc.

Earlier, Dil Ruksana attended an International Conference named “Diversity of Data: RDA in the international context” at University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) was held on 23 August from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. She met with the international Library professionals mainly from Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and many other regions. She had some discussions with the Library of Congress staff regarding RDA and impact of RDA in Bangladesh Context.

She also attended the Newcomer session of IFLA Congress and the Opening Ceremony where she found really productive about whole IFLA Congress and how to build networking with international colleagues and different forums.  She was invited for the 2nd ASEAN Caucus Meeting and lunch on 25 August.

Dil Ruksana RSCAO, IFLA standing Committee meeting as a member of the committee. Many library issues were discussed including library development in Bangladesh. She attended the Exhibition Opening Party where she met ALA president, OCLC staff and other publishers from all over the world. She had also dinner invitations from IFLA , ARL, OCLC and other professionals. She will be attending the ‘Award Presentation’ as the Grant Winner of ARL 2018.

In the next few days of IFLA Congress, she has a number of plans to attend open sessions, SC meetings, Professional Meetings, Cultural Evenings, President’s session, IFLA highlights, Global Vision, International Advocacy Program, Plenary Sessions, Poster Sessions, Lightning Talks and the Closing session.

TLT Editorial Team Attended the OCLC Industry Symposium

M J Abdin, Kuala Lumpur, 26 August 2018

Now, more than ever, libraries around the world are able to collaborate across national borders while simultaneously satisfying regional and local requirements. At the Symposium, speakers presented about original research that explores the shared challenges, opportunities, and trends in this area. Discusses how technologies and resources like WorldCat can power collaboration across regional and global ecosystems, generating greater network efficiencies and providing a more complete view of the world’s collected knowledge. The presenter of this multiple sessions also shared some case studies and examples of OCLC’s latest innovations.

A three-member delegation from TLT editorial board led by the Editor-in-Chief, Prodip Kumar Roy attended the OCLC Industry Symposium on Saturday, 25 August, 13.45 – 15.45 local time, in Conference Hall 3 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC), Malaysia. The symposium was organised as part of the OCLC’s contribution to IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2018.

Speakers of the session include Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, Membership and Research, Chief Strategist, OCLC, Eric van Lubeek, Vice President, Managing Director, OCLC EMEA and APAC, Axel Kaschte, Product Strategy Director, OCLC EMEA.

At end of the symposium, TLT board met with Axel Kaschte, Product Strategy Director, OCLC EMEA and discuss the potentiality of organising international events and showcasing on different products and services of OCLC with the collaboration of TLT, LIS education institutions and Bangladeshi Library professionals’ body. He suggested preparing and submitting a proposal about potential events and possible collaboration between OCLC and TLT.

Later on, TLT editorial team visited Stand B127 during exhibit hours on opening day of the exhibitions to meet with OCLC officials and learn what’s new with OCLC services and initiatives.

Besides TLT team, a number of Bangladeshi delegates including Professor Dr Nasiruddin Mitul, Mohammad Shakaought Hossain Bhuiyan, Bepin Behary Karmakar was among others participated in the session.


Joynal, KUALA LUMPUR, 25 August 2018

Congress delegates attended the opening ceremony of the IFLA WLIC 2018 together on Saturday, 25 August 2018. The main theme of the official Opening Ceremony will reflect the main Congress theme: Transform Libraries, Transform Societies.


  • Welcome Remarks was given by Dato’ Nafisah Ahmad, Malaysia National Committee, Director General National Library of Malaysia & President Librarian Association of Malaysia

The library world global spotlight will shine on Malaysia in August this year when Kuala Lumpur hosts the 84th World Library and Information Congress. The Congress organized by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Librarians Association of Malaysia, and the National Library of Malaysia, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia, and the Malaysian Convention & Exhibition Bureau, will be held from 24-30 August 2018 at the Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

This annual IFLA brand flagship professional event is the world’s most significant and identifiable gathering and the most exciting event of library and informational professionals. It is the first time in the history of IFLA that the Congress is being held in Malaysia. In 2016 it was hosted by USA, in 2017 by Poland and it will be held in Greece in 2019.

The Congress will provide an unparalleled opportunity, in a multi-racial and multi-cultural environment to the professional development of its participants. The global aspect of the Congress program also provides excellent networking opportunities for those who attend.

More than 3,000 participants from 102 countries have so far registered for the Conference. Two hundred and forty-nine sessions with over 600 paper presentations will allow participants to discuss, debate and exchange ideas on professional issues related to every aspect of the library profession. Leading edge initiatives will be presented and experts in all areas of library and information science will be present.

In line with the theme of the Congress “Transform Libraries, Transform Societies”, there will be, among other topics, presentations that address the role of libraries in delivering the UN 2030 Agenda, Designing inclusive and sustainable libraries, the use of video games to develop wining strategies for libraries, the use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented reality, and digital scholarship services.

There will be 121 poster presentations from all over the world on diverse topics such as The whole school reading for half an hour (China), Role of NGOs in library development (Bangladesh), and Makerspace at the library (Sweden).

A trade exhibition will be held during the Congress where more than 60 commercial and non-commercial organizations from all over the world will showcase their products and services.

Library visits to 33 Malaysian libraries will be arranged to allow participants to visit the National Library of Malaysia, academic libraries, special libraries, public and school libraries in the public, private and voluntary sector in Malaysia. These visits will allow participants to see the application and adaptation of innovative ideas to the services in these local libraries.

Registration details, the Congress program and other events is available at

Library and Information Science orientation held at National University

Mukta, Dhaka, 19 August 2018

“In this age of information explosion, the importance of the library and information science is immense. In this regard, the degree holders will be the real artisan to build the future of Digital Bangladesh. This educational program should be undertaken to build a digital Bangladesh with the mindset of the country. This special course will contribute to the needs of a large number of information scientists in the country” said, Professor Dr Nasiruddin Mitul (Dean and Program Coordinator of the Department of Higher Education) in the Library and Information Science orientation program held in National University (NU) on 12 August 2018.

The program was organised for NU post-graduate diploma in library and information science students last Sunday at 11 am at Senate Hall of NU. At the beginning of the ceremony, one-minute silence is observed for the forgiveness of the departed soul of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the occasion of the month of mourning.

Students coming from the remote areas of the country are enrolled in the one-year professional course with a hope of building themselves as skilled people for developing the country. Dean of Curriculum of National University spoke among others at the ceremony. Mohammad Bin Kashem, Registrar; Mollah Mahfuz Al-Hossain, College Inspector; Dr Md. Moniruzzaman Shaheen and President of Social Science Group, Awlad Hossain also delivered their speech on the program. A large number of teachers, officers and employees were present at the event.

It is to be noted that in the 2016-2017 session, the postgraduate diploma in library and information science program was started with the semester system with 100 students at the National University Gazipur campus. Later, considering the demand of the wider, the number of seats was increased to 120.

All information related to the admission can be found at the National University website

National Mourning Day observes by Directorate of Public Libraries and Directorate of Film Publications

Ahasan, Dhaka, 19 August 2018

The National Mourning Day observed amid paying homage to the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at  Shawkat Osman Memorial  Auditorium, Shahbag, Dhaka.

The programme was organised jointly by Directorate of Public Libraries and Directorate of Film Publications.

Documentary films on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his life and activities were screened. The programme was inaugurated by H.E. Hasanul Haq Innu, Minister, Ministry of Information, and Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Secretary, Ministry of Information, Director General, Directorate of Public Libraries and other high officials and staff members from both the organisations were present at the event.

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